Who’s driving here?

When you are sprawled across the floor playing trains or sitting at a too-small table sipping tea out of a plastic cup, have you ever stopped to think…  Wait a second, exactly who is in charge of the play right now? Playtime is one of the few (if not…

Finding the Right Daycare for your Child

In Canada, we are fortunate that most parents are able to take a full year of parental leave and children don’t have to start daycare until they are a year old but for some families (and in many countries), children start much earlier.  As someone who has worked and…

Cardboard Challenge

Creativity /kriːeɪˈtɪvɪti/ noun 1. The use of imagination or original ideas to create something “firms are keen to encourage creativity” Synonyms: inventiveness; imagination; innovation; originality; individuality; artistry; expressiveness; vision Oxford Dictionary may use the above definition for creativity but after reading this article about 9-year-old Caine Monroy, it wouldn’t be surprising…