Who’s driving here?

When you are sprawled across the floor playing trains or sitting at a too-small table sipping tea out of a plastic cup, have you ever stopped to think…  Wait a second, exactly who is in charge of the play right now? Playtime is one of the few (if not…

Why pointing is not "just" pointing

Pointing is a skill that children often start using before they begin to speak. Over the years, research has shown the importance of children developing this skill as it is highly correlated with later language development. The reason pointing and language development go hand in hand is because pointing…

3 ways to Expand Play with Cars

The past couple of weeks I have been in South Korea training a fantastic group of pediatric Speech and Language Therapists. One of the therapists I was working with mentioned that a client of hers loves to play with cars. Surprise, surprise!  She wants to respect his interest in…